The Western New York winter you know and dread has finally arrived! What looked like a temperate, mild winter has become the typical onslaught of snow, ice, and chilling cold temperatures. While you and your family might be able to stay warm and comfortable cranking the heat and snuggling under a blanket, what about your gutters and blizzard damage?

Blizzard damage can wreak havoc on your gutters. Heavy snowfall can accumulate, causing severe strain and weighing them down. When this happens, the structural integrity of your gutters becomes compromised. You’ll start to see bending, cracking, and sagging gutters that not only look bad–they pose a serious threat to the structural integrity of your home?
What’s the solution?
Gutter Helmet!
Snowfall isn’t the only threat to your gutters. Ice is even denser, heavier, and a bigger threat to your home, especially in Western New York!

So how does ice make its way into your gutters?
Ice typically enters your gutters in one of two ways: during a winter storm or as a result of stormwater making its way into the gutters and freezing. In either case, the damage on your gutters–and even your home–can be severe.
Gutter Helmet helps keep your gutters free from ice dams and blizzard damage by providing year-round protection against the accumulation of ice, snow, stormwater, and more! Gutter Helmet’s patented technology means your gutters will be free of obstructions during the worst conditions. It also provides a clean pathway for water to flow away from your home, meaning no damaged gutters or foundations!
Plus, with Gutter Helmet, you won’t have to worry about cleaning out your gutters during winter–which can be not only difficult but potentially dangerous as well.
Back in November 2022, we overstocked our inventory. That means we can bring the savings home to you!
We are offering 24% off a complete Gutter Helmet system on homes for the entire month of February!
Gutter Helmet means clean gutters all year round. Clean gutters means peace of mind–and you can’t put a price on that!
Contact us today for an estimate & to get started!